A Writer’s Guide to Breaking Bad:
The 10 Commandments

This Top 10 Screenwriting bestseller is now available in paperback (on Amazon)!

The writers of Breaking Bad seemed to have an approach, almost a set of ‘rules’, that they followed so consistently that it couldn’t be an accident or coincidence. These approaches are what I’ve explored in this ebook.

Brilliant. Inspired. And inspiring.”
– Alexa Junge (Showrunner, Writer/Producer; The West Wing, Friends, Sex And The City)

“These kind of tutorials used to be based on Hollywood movies. But as movies supplanted the Great American Novel, so has the long form streaming model replaced movies as the dominant aspirational/modern storytelling form. This strikes me as Syd Field for the 2020s. Significant.
– Kevin Wade (Showrunner; Blue Bloods)



Character and Plot
1) The Everyday Superpower
2) ‘Where’s the character’s head at?’
3) Choosing Between Two Bad Options
4) First Try Never Works
5) The Weak Spot
6) Use Everything
7) Characters Compromised and Complicated 
9) Family Ties
10) The New Character

About the Author

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