Songwriting: What Creates Skill? Why Does It Matter?
Skill is a big part of the difference between an amateur and a professional. Just…
Skill is a big part of the difference between an amateur and a professional. Just…
The human mind instinctively looks for patterns. It will even make up patterns when none…
There are a lot of reasons – particularly on the business side – why it’s…
“Creative destruction is a process through which something new brings about the demise of whatever…
Almost all of my songs are Title-based songs. Even though I don’t usually ‘write from…
Nothing great that humans make is ever perfect, even if anyone could figure out what…
It’s not too hard for me to get sick of my own songwriting. Sometimes it…
Many of us find completing a lyric to be difficult at times. There can be…
I’ve gotten interested in the Australian songwriter/artist Sia (Sia Furler) lately, especially her way with…
Even when I’m officially ‘teaching Songwriting’, I shy away from the idea that I’m ‘teaching’…
When writing a Verse/Chorus song, say I’ve got the Title and Chorus. When it comes…
When writing songs lately, I’ve felt… listless. Uninspired. My ideas seem ‘weary, stale, flat, and…
The Elements Of Style, Strunk and White’s classic and still magisterial book about written English…
Joni Mitchell’s song ‘For Free’ is a superb example of storytelling in a song. It…
In a previous post, I explored making a simple melody more interesting by creatively harmonizing…
Life is a seesaw between chaos and order. Why should Songwriting be any different? There’s…
If you’re going to use the word ‘that’ in a song’s Title, it’s usually a…
Pardon the oversimplification, but people tend to respond to songs three ways – emotionally, intellectually,…
Things sound ‘right’ to us when they’re familiar – when we hear what we expect…
The only claim I make for my weekly Songwriting blog is factual: this is my…