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A lot of my songs have started from mistakes (and yes… I know there are probably those who think some of them are still mistakes!).

But seriously, folks… when I’m searching for something new or developing an idea, and my fingers are wandering across the guitar neck – especially since I’m not a good guitarist – the next piece of a song is as likely to come from an accidental note or chord as from something I ‘heard’.

Sometimes I start by just running chord sounds on the guitar, hoping that a riff or phrase will jump out at me and get me going. I’m not consciously doing anything other than following one sound into the next until something commands my attention…

Which doesn’t always happen. Sometimes I just rehash familiar progressions and nothing surprises me. But, as often as not, if there is a pleasant surprise it’s the result of an accidental combination of notes, not something I did consciously.

When I’m developing an idea that’s already partially done, often I can hear in my head what should come next, what feels right. And I try to find that phrase or sound without hitting other notes that might confuse my ear and throw me off track.

But I also really believe in listening carefully to what I actually play as well as what I’m trying to play.

Sometimes the ‘mistake’, if I”m open to it, is actually more interesting than the idea that was in my mind. And, as long as I grab it and follow it through, I think it’s a legit way to write (what isn’t, if it works?).

I notice the interesting sound and follow it to the next sound. I try not to think of what I’m hearing as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’, but rather as possibilities… even if they’re not intentional. I want to surprise myself, interest myself, and mistakes and accidents are an integral part of that process.

Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts, additions, disagreements in the Comments section below:

homer mistake


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