You get an idea – let’s say it’s an idea for the design of a table. The design can be minimalist or baroque. Whatever it is, and no matter how inspired it is, without good carpentry the table will collapse as soon as it’s stressed.
A table – or anything – has to be solidly made or it won’t stand. This also goes for the design details, the ornamental stuff. A beautiful idea, if it’s not executed with precision and care, can end up ugly and distorted. Or in pieces on the floor.
So it is with songs. The original inspiration might be great – the Chorus, the groove, whatever.
But it’s not enough. Without careful and committed carpentry, it won’t hold together. It won’t last.
There are exceptions in songs (though not so much with tables). There are songs with big ideas strong enough to make you forget shoddy workmanship surrounding them. But in most cases, without a commitment to seeing through the ‘carpentry’ aspect with care and craft, a song’s seams will show, the connecting joints won’t fit. It’ll wobble.
The song won’t be as good as it could’ve been if the writer had put in the necessary work.
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