Often the trickiest part of writing a song is finding what I call the ‘angle’ of the Verse. That is, how the Verse lyric relates to the Chorus/Title.
You usually want the Verse to bring the Chorus, and especially the Title, into focus. Ideally in a way that’s special or interesting, or at least sincere and believable.
Let’s start with a common Title. Say, ‘You’re The One’. Let’s assume you’ve got an exciting Chorus and this Title’s working for you. (Though at this point in time, with many ‘You’re The One’s’ out there, you’d need a pretty great Chorus!)
The challenge is then to find a Verse approach that enhances the Title.
What’s the angle?
Is it simply a straightforward declaration of devotion? ‘You’re The One’.
Or – it’s a difficult relationship… but we’ll work it out; because… ‘You’re The One’.
Or does it compare the loved one to other lovers who are seen in a positive way? ‘She was great in this way… He was great in that way… But you… You’re The One.’
Is it a moment of realization? ‘I took you for granted… but now I realize… I know You’re The One’.
How about a list? ‘You’re (this)… you’re (that)… you’re (something else)… and (or but), most of all, You’re The One’.
Or… a series of lines about the singer’s life, having nothing to do with the relationship… AND (to top it off) ‘You’re The One’.
And on and on… until something clicks.
These ‘You’re The One’ options are mundane (to be kind), as is the Title, but I hope you get the idea, which is important. One way or the other you have to find an angle, and usually you need to stick with it for all the Verses. So it should be a good one, one that resonates for you.
Especially with a common Title like ‘You’re The One’, finding that angle is what can make the whole lyric come alive. And even with an uncommon Title, finding the angle is a big part of making a song work.
Let me know your thoughts in the Comments section below.

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good stuff, Tony. Yeah- I think the angle is EVERYTHING with a mundane title like that. Even with an attention grabbing one, an angle the listener didn’t hear coming when they read the title could really put a song over the top, although you still gotta write it lol!
Thanks, Adam. We agree!
Sammy Cahn is reputed to have said, “Between your verse and chorus you should be able to insert the words ‘and that’s why I say…’.”
Good to hear from you!
Things have moved along a bit but that’s still often true.
Also… I wonder if Sammy, who probably wrote few, if any, ‘Verse/Chorus songs, was referring to the old meaning of the Verse… which would also make sense.
Best wishes,
Often true!
I assumed that Sammy wrote most of his songs in AABA form (no Chorus). But he could’ve written a lot of Verse/Chorus songs that I don’t know about (I do know about ‘High Hopes’, for instance!).
Thanks and best wishes,