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New York, NY

There’s imagination… then there’s believing in one’s imagination, having a certain confidence that you can think of something, create something… maybe even something good. That your imagination will be there when you need it.

Until recently I never looked at ideas as something I had much influence over. I couldn’t will them into being. They came when they came.

I’ve felt that if I was writing, something would come to me. And sure enough, the more I showed up, the more something did come.

But recently when I felt at a loss for ideas another approach occurred to me. I thought about how many times, in writing and in other parts of my life, my intuition has led me to a creative solution. Especially in other areas of life where I sometimesvhave a self-assurance that’s harder to attain when I’m out there on a limb, writing.

And I thought, “What if I approached writing with the attitude of, ‘I know I’ll think of something’. As opposed to ‘I hope I think of something’.”

What would that be like?

I’ve been trying it – a kind of trick of the mind – and, crazily enough, it often helps.Yes, that’s partly because by now I’ve written many songs. That does give me some wind in my sails.

But this other kind of confidence is not the same. It’s not, ‘I know I can write a song; I’ve done it many times.’ It’s more like, ‘I can and I will think of something. I have plenty of ideas; more than enough. They’re inside me somewhere. All I have to do is open up and let them come out’.

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2 Comments on “Having Confidence in Your Imagination”

  1. The artist Chuck Close said, “Inspiration is for amateurs — the rest of us just show up and get to work. And [have] the belief that things will grow out of that activity itself and that you will — through work — bump into other possibilities and kick open other doors that you would never dream of if you were just sitting around looking for a great “art idea”…If you hang in there you will get somewhere.” To your point, if you believe you will get it, chances are good you will.

    Always enjoy reading your thoughts on songwriting.

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