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I was thinking about Pre-Choruses – about how many times, in songs of mine and others’, I’ve tried or suggested taking them out… When it was done, sometimes, almost magically, the song improved… a lot.  To me Pre-Choruses seem particularly susceptible to being extraneous.

Then I started thinking about how I’ve had similar experiences with almost every aspect of a song…

Not crazy about a particular melody note?  Does the Verse start to seem boring by the 4th line of the melody? Does using the same rhyme one more time seem like overdoing it?  Does a chord seem too complex or sweet with a 7th or 9th in it?  Have I written a third or fourth Verse… but already said what I want to say in the previous ones? Is there a bar, or even a beat, here and there that feels like killing time, waiting for the next thing to happen?

Try taking it out. Actually, you don’t even have to be in doubt. You can also just play around with removing things and see if the rest feels stronger.

It can be a note, a word, or a line; it can be a whole section (like a Pre-Chorus or Bridge).  If I don’t like it a lot, there’s probably a reason.  And sometimes just cutting it (as opposed to trying to improve it) can be the answer.

Listen to that inner voice.  When in doubt, try taking it out.

Nothing to lose… you can always put it back in.

Let me know your thoughts in the Comments section below:

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3 Comments on “When In Doubt, Try Taking It Out”

  1. Sometimes the culture cuts it out for you. I’m thinking of the innumerable Tin Pan Alley songs that have lost their verses and now usually start with the refrain. Of course sometimes the editor’s axe falls a little too broadly, like Phil Spector’s hacked-up arrangement of “Sleigh Ride” for the Ronettes, which substitutes several modulations for a basic poverty of content. On the other hand, an argument can be made that Sleigh Ride richly deserves to be cut down – perhaps by someone cleverer than Mr. Spector. The bridge is seemingly endless and just not that strong.
    OK. End of rant.

    1. Jon,
      Thanks for writing! Who would’ve thought a reply to my post would turn into a rant about ‘Sleigh Ride’?
      We’ve had one or two friendly disagreements over the years, and I guess this is going to be a third…
      Believe it or not, I wrote a blogpost praising ‘Sleigh Ride’! Here it is:
      (I suppose after 150+ posts it shouldn’t be so surprising… but…)
      I look forward to your reply!
      Your pal,

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